Friday, September 7, 2007

Praying for all Peoples

Have you ever made a decision or a commitment to pray for an hour a day, or 30 minutes, or 3 hours, or 15 minutes, and found that your mind went blank and you just didn't know what to pray for? If so, you're not alone.

And so, we offer a tool:

Compassionnet is one way to find out about prayer needs around the world, and we promise you'll never run out. There are many more tools out there and many more needs in the world, but this is a way to pray for the gospel to affect lives around the world. Take it as you like!
Pray for your family, pray for your neighbor, pray for your country, your leaders, anyone in need around the world. While at it, pray for the college students of Tanzania if you don't mind!!

Swahili word for the day is rehema, which means compassion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I certainly can relate to Peter, James and John in the garden when it comes to praying. The best I have been able to do is to pray a few moments at a time as the Holy Spirit brings to mind people and promises. Compassion is a great word. We pray and love best as we live "with passion". But we obviously need Him moment by moment to be such. I miss you. Am praying that you know with great assurance that He will keep the pilot light of His love in you aflame - every moment, every day.
Love, Tim