Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Flaming Cars

Today I did a lot of driving around Paris. A trip to the airport, a trip to the east side of town and a few detours therein. Along the roads (mostly bumper-to-bumper highways) I kept seeing this sign:

I have absolutely no idea what this sign means. Every time I passed it I laughed to myself and looked around fearing that my car may at any moment spontaneously combust. As I wondered to myself what it could possibly mean, I decided that I would much rather never know, but instead dream up ideas for it. So if you know what this sign means, please do not tell me here. But if you don't, feel free to speculate in the comments!


The Westerfield Family said...

Do they have a driving lane reserved for punks or anyone listening to punk music? Like the carpool lane? The Carpunk lane?

Or maybe it was a warning sign; "Caution: Exploding Space Invaders"

David said...

Maybe it's only meant for those driving Toyota's...

Grandmama Sizemore said...

I know , it means no ugly,bad language allowed from the cars sitting bumper to bumper. I know, its probably very difficult to keep from saying something to that slow mover in front of you,.... but..