We can in no way say or do enough to thank each of you that are praying for us as we prepare for the next step of our journey, but we do want to note and thank the churches that have partnered to support us and covenanted to pray for us.
The River, Lexington, KY: To each of you that are a part of the River, you know the special place you hold in our lives and you know that in no way would we be where we are today without you. Your prayers keep us going daily, the memories of the times we’ve shared inspire us when we need it most. Thank you for jumping to meet every need we have. Thank you for investing in us as we have walked with you.
Church at Tatesbrook, Lexington, KY: Each of you at Tatesbrook has had a part in forming us and reshaping our lives and our thinking. Your generosity has blessed us along the way and we are thankful for the people of the body of Christ at Tatesbrook that have taught us, worshipped with us, cried with us, fed us, and now pray for us. You are a wonderful body, keep doing what you do in preparing and sending others out as you have us!
Aurora Baptist Church, Aurora, KY: Thank you for loving us as your own and for taking such a deep and die-hard interest in the work of Christ across the globe. We covet your prayers and know that not a single need will arise that you have not already covered in prayer. We know that with you we will never be forgotten. Thank you for loving us as you do!
Far Hills Community Church, Dayton, OH: Thank you for caring about the world and every aspect of it, thank you for your brokenness in prayer, thank you for proactively seeking to meet our needs before they arise. It is a true gift to consider ourselves a part of your body and to receive the love and support of such a dear group of people. Thank you for believing in us as we believe in you!
Immanuel Baptist Church, Lexington, KY: To Nick, Ashlee, Jeremy, and Karissa, thank you to each of you for the role you have played in getting us to where we are. It is in large part because of the lives that you have led that we seek to serve a world that needs much more than we can give. Each of you has inspired us, our conversations have humbled us, and your commitment to prayer with and for us energizes us, thank you!